Saturday, August 13, 2011

Here we go again!

Rick Perry - a professional politician for 26 years, never been employed in the private sector, a three term governor of a state where the governor is not much more than a figurehead - and I thought George W was ill-prepared for national leadership. No, please, no.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

WSJ Editorals June 11, 2011

Rep. Michele Bachmann

First, I do not agree with all her views and proposed solutions to some of our pressing national issues.  That said, I do applaud her efforts to education herself on these issues to enable her to form and express informed opinions.  I believe this to be in direct contrast to Sarah Palin's constant batter of American flag, apple pie, and Obama-is-the-devil sound bites.  I suspect all of Palin's knowledge on issues are handed to her by staff members and paid advisors.  Should Bachmann enter the 2012 presidental race, I would welcome her into the race and encourage everyone to give her views and suggestons the courtesy of a "good listen".

National and International Drug War

Many of us agree that the great War Against Drugs has failed and alternative solutions need serious consideration.  However, Shultz and Volcker called for "open and honest debate on the subject".  Unfortunately, our country is too polarized on any and all issues to truly engage in "open debate".  If something is Liberal, it is automatically Wrong or if Conservative then Wrong, if Blue needs to be Red, Red? needs to be Blue, not born here? send them away - far away,etc.  Civility is a sign of weakness.  Respect is only given if the person or idea is wrapped in same Label as "us".  How can any of our national issues be solved in this environment?

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

NBC Nightly News - Wed Mar 16 2011 - Thoughts

Japan Disasters

Who could possibly disagree? - 2011 Japan earthquakes, tsunami, and nuclear plant disaster - Horrific!
Donate what you can thru legit channels - many scams out there - do some homework.

Middle East

I believe Khaddafi will survive. Not good. As much (or more) of a criminal against mankind as Saddam Hussein; but, I believe I repeat myself.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Welcome Back, David E.

Glad to see David E. Kelley back on network TV - Harry's Law.  Kelley manages to cleverly allow comedy and light drama to present both sides of a current social issue - his personal view is not hard to spot, but the opposing view gets equal time.  The final outcome is not always his side (nor mine) but I hope it helps to educate all of us.

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Friday, February 25, 2011

NBC Nightly News - Thurs Feb 25 2011 - Thoughts


Plan A - die in Libya
Plan B - die in Libya
Plan C - die in Libya

Time for the United Nations to show some b*lls and to eliminate the hired guns, remove al-Gaddafi, establish temp government.

Secretary Gates :

applause, applause, applause


Up 43 points today - big move - 1.5% - Intel up 2% - wonder what else contributed to this move? Sirus XM radio had big move but that only contributed $0.06 to the Nasdaq



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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thoughts Fueled by Viewing NBC Nightly News

Wednesday Feb 23, 2011

Libya revolution - I would respectfully ask Pres. W: Why Iraq, why not Libya? Lockerbie was real, WMD not so real. Pres. Clinton not without blame here.

Wisconsin Gov. Walker and Koch Industries: Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Libya, and now Wisconsin? Given the right spark, the common person/citizen can bring down corrupt/repressive heads of state. Many things are wrong/outdated about labor unions but state laws banning collective bargaining would be repressive - just wrong.

Nice brief story on long time active Big Brother in Dallas


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Tuesday, October 05, 2010

The Donald for President in 2012

Just saw a "news piece" on this subject on CNN. Geez Louise, please No! Don't need a President with a terrible comb-over in the 21st Century. Stick to real estate deals and reality show stardom....again, please.